Avoid Injury When Exercise Osteoporosis

To avoid injury and to form the body's endurance and strength, training for people with osteoporosis should be done gradually. In other words, the type of exercise performed at an early stage should not be as heavy exercise should be done later. Do not practice with the increase in stages that are too fast, because it can give rise to injury. Training program consists of a balance between aerobic exercise with a load, such as walking, abdominal muscle isotonic strength training, and extension exercises backbone.

Sit-Up Exercises to train the abdominal muscles
If you ever had a broken bone and still feel pain, you should start with back muscle strengthening exercises while sitting in a chair. When the pain has disappeared, add strengthening exercises abdominals and back muscles. Walking exercise program should also be added later.

If you are not experiencing pain, you can start with a walking exercise program, exercise for the back extension, abdominal muscle strengthening exercises as well. Exercises for muscle strength with the added burden exercise program afterwards. It should be remembered, the addition of exercise should not cause pain, and before you are able to exercise the maximum amount for the extension back in the chair and back extension exercises by lifting the back foot. If the pain comes back or increased during the course of the exercise program, you must immediately stop the exercise and consult a physician

What are the Steps to consider when training?

1. Protect the vulnerable areas.

Vulnerable areas such as the hip, spine, and wrist, serious attention is necessary to avoid bone loss. Because these areas prone to fractures (broken bones) due to osteoporosis, and fractures of the hip and lumbar spine can lead to several diseases, even death. Results showed, to prevent the occurrence of fractures should be the target of the exercise is prone areas are prone to fracture.

As mentioned in the previous section, after experiencing menopause (in women), 4% of bone each year suffered 'damage', while bone formation is only about 2%. In other words, the amount of damages greater than the number of bone formation. That is what lead to osteoporosis, the thinning of the bones which later became porous.

Bone loss that sometimes lead to spontaneous fractures. To assist in the formation and the balance (in addition to improving muscle strength), you can do weight training. This exercise can simultaneously reduce the likelihood of falls and collisions because of a fall.

2. Try to keep your back straight.

To back, back exercise is the key. For the beginner, start with stretching exercises to train the floor or bend the waist. Other back protector is the back extensor muscles (the muscles that straighten the limbs to contract). Be very effective when the tools are available back extension machine; special machine to straighten your back. You can also do a harder workout, the squat, to increase muscle mass by way of imposition of the spine and hip.

3. Note the wrist.

using a stationary exercise can help strengthen the wrist
Fractures (broken bones) in the wrist are very common. wrist need to be trained by bending the wrist (wrist curl), who performed two or three sets interspersed with lots of rest (long break between 30 to 60 seconds). Each set of no more than 10 to 12 reps. Rest is very important in a lot of motion exercises held, such as holding a stationary bicycle handlebars. Holds in the long term can increase blood pressure.

4. Notice the hips.

Hip can be trained to perform squats, which can be done with the machine for the exercises of flexion (bending) and hip extension (straightening the body), adduction fiber (close to the body) and hip extension (moving the leg away from body)

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