Home and Environmental Modifications for People with Osteoporosis

attach a rod of iron near the tub and toilet

To avoid the possibility of your Fall and suffered broken bones, you should modify your home

Get rid of the cables are expected to jam the foot. Set the rug so that you will not stumble, by way of leveling the surface of the carpet nor shall until the end of the carpet folded.

Attach a handle made ​​of metal near a bathtub or toilet, to help balance the body


The dim lighting is less suitable for people with osteoporosis
Make sure the room, stairs, and entrances well lit or. It is necessary to help you see clearly part of the room / stairs / doors or objects that are scattered on the floor which is expected to be stepped on and shake the balance of the body.

Keep the floor around the sink is always dry. If you need to install anti-slip floor.

Try to keep the floor near the sink is always dry

Ralling pairs. If using carpet, keep the edges are not folded to avoid tripping feet.

We recommend wearing loose clothing and straight. If wearing grooming, avoid sharp edges.

Avoid high heels. Choose rugged soles so you do not easily slip. Should not choose a shoe lace. In addition to hard wear, also eases your foot caught


In addition to the foregoing, there are still some issues that need your attention again.

1. Eye Health

Sight plays an important role to reduce the risk of accidents
Wear reading glasses to match. Meanwhile, to maintain eye health, you are encouraged to consume foods that contain vitamin A. Always look at the state of your eyes, if there are abnormalities such as cataracts that require surgery or other progressive eye disorder which needs to be detected.

2. Use of Drugs

The right to use drugs, you need to understand their effect. Tranquilizers, for example, will cause drowsiness which could jeopardize the balance of the body so you can easily fall. Hypertension drugs, causing impaired balance, especially on changes in body position from lying to sitting or standing. Therefore, if you consume it, change the position should be done gradually, or ask for help from others. Antihistamine drug, contained in drugs for the flu or allergy. It also can cause drowsiness or dizziness, thereby disrupting the balance of the body.

3. Understanding Fractures (Broken Bones)

The most vulnerable are the hip, spine, and wrist bones.

4. Understand the daily security

No heavy lifting
Do not bend at the waist
Do not stand on a stool or chair to reach something on a higher place
Using a footstool when changing position from sitting to standing.

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