Foods Menu For Osteoporosis

Not difficult to meet calcium needs of the daily diet. Since recent times, for example, the recommendation to drink milk is often touted to prevent bone loss. is not entirely true. Population of the country with the consumption of milk and milk products highest in the world like the United States would indicate a high risk of osteoporosis. There, one in three women aged 50 years and had a broken bone or fracture due to osteoporosis, while Asian women in Hong Kong who do not consume too much milk the risk of osteoporosis is only 1:6.

One of the determining is the food. Asian women food menu is loaded with green vegetables, nuts, and soy products are rich in phytoestrogens (natural estrogens) are needed to facilitate the absorption of calcium.

At the time of eating, in addition to considering the intake of calcium, we must also consider how much calcium is wasted because of the wrong diet. Menu with a high animal protein (beef, chicken, goat) will increase the removal of calcium from the body. Without attention to this, you are like a driver who kept stepping on the gas pedal with his right foot, while the right foot on the brakes again.
Eat plenty of foods containing high calcium. Besides milk and various dairy products (choose low fat), as well as green vegetables, soy products, sardines, dried fruits, cereal (oatmeal), and nuts.

Osteoporosis Menu

The following menus are examples of menus that can be relied on to ward off osteoporosis early for those of you who have not experienced it and inhibit the rate of osteoporosis for those who have experienced it.

Menu For Breakfast

French Toast with cheese

Cheese and soy milk in this menu contains high levels of calcium for bone health. While tomatoes contain vitamin C, E, and beta carotene which are antioxidants and protects the heart.

6 pieces of fresh bread
150 ml of soy milk
1 egg
6 pieces of cheese
2 tomatoes, cut into thin

How to make
Cut the edge of the bread. Whisk milk and eggs. Dip bread into it until both sides wet
Heat ½ tablespoon butter / margarine in a nonstick skillet. Flatten. Fry the bread until golden brown. Turn over and fry other side until golden brown
Put a piece of cheese on the bread, wet-milk cheese with egg batter. Revert to just melt the cheese. Lift.
Finish frying all the bread. Serve immediately with tomato slices.

Lunch menu

Broccoli Garlic Sauce

Calcium content in broccoli is high. So is canned sardines (with bones). While the active ingredient in garlic can be relied upon to protect the body from infection.

200 g broccoli, cut lengthwise, cut into pieces
2 red bell pepper, cut crosswise
2sdm cooking oil
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
½ tsp sesame oil
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
75ml broth
¼ teaspoon pepper
Canned sardines

How to make:
Boil water to a boil, dip the broccoli for 2 minutes, remove and drain.
Sauce: heat the olive oil / cooking oil. Saute the garlic until fragrant flavorful. Put all other ingredients. Pick up after boiling.
Presentation: grammar broccoli on a serving plate. Pour the sauce over it. More complete if served with canned sardines

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