Launch of Generic Drugs for Osteoporosis

Boniva was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Agency (FDA) as a generic drug that is able to strengthen bones in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

The first generic versions of drugs issued by Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. and privately held Apotex Inc. was recommended to be consumed in one month.

The website (19/3) states that effective Ibandronate Boniva or to help slow bone loss, increase bone mass, and also accelerate bone growth cycle.

Here is important information about Boniva:
1. Prevention of osteoporosis drug Boniva is specifically used for women.
2. Boniva may cause serious problems in the stomach or esophagus. Make sure you stay upright for at least 60 minutes after taking this medicine.
3. When taking Boniva, you are only allowed to consume water. Not advisable to eat or take vitamins at least one hour after taking this drug.

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Diuretic drugs trigger Osteoporosis

Diuretic drugs are used to control blood pressure was found to reduce the amount of calcium in the bones.
In addition, the drug causes bone thinning among men who consumed the drugs. Diuretic drugs reduce blood pressure by reducing the water content in the blood through the kidneys.
The conclusion was obtained by a study conducted Dr Lionel Lim and his colleagues from Griffin Hospital, Connecticut. The researchers found a direct correlation between drug use and blood pressure control that lead to bone thinning osteoporosis risk. Lim studied 3300 men aged 65 years and over.
Approximately 8% of them drank a good blood pressure control medications on a regular basis or not. The research team measured the hip bone density study subjects at baseline and then again take measurements after 4.5 years.

Aspirin and Osteoporosis

Aspirin in low doses can reduce the activity of cells that erode bone density. Thus the results of the study Dr. Songtao Shi University of Southern California, USA, and colleagues.

Increased activity of cells that erode bone density is believed to trigger osteoporosis. However, recent evidence revealed decreased activity of bone-forming cells also become one of the causes.

The study was conducted using rats. The research team found aspirin was able to reduce damage to the bone-forming cells in mice.

In addition, the pain-reducing medication in low doses can also increase the activity of bone-forming cells in mice. In contrast, the activity of cells that erode bone density weakens.

Although a number of studies involving humans have also concluded the same thing, Dr. Shi reminded still need further studies on the mechanism of aspirin in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Tirotropin Prevent Osteoporosis

The good news for people with osteoporosis given by researchers in New York. As reported health media HealthDay News, researchers recently discovered tirotropin can prevent osteoporosis and even reshape the bone tissue. Tirotropin or better known as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is a hormone that regulates the secretion of thyroid hormones.

Tirotropin known to have a role in bone reabsorption. Mone Zaidi of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York said the results make the researchers optimistic about the possibility of tirotropin therapy for women who have osteoporosis.

Even so, the study can not answer about the possibility of adverse thyroid hormone release is triggered tirotropin. The reason, according to Zaidi, the possibility could not be investigated through their test animals.

Even so, tirotropin therapy in women experiencing menopause thyroid cancer has been shown to not push the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

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