Osteoporosis Model More Vulnerable?

Has a super slim body as the model was not always profitable. According to Ida Wisnubaroto, Chairman of the Citizens Union of Bones Healthy Indonesia (Perwatusi), models are generally most at risk of attack or brittle bone disease osteoporosis. "There are many factors that led to this model a potential profession experiencing bone loss," said Ida, in a campaign event "Osteoaccessories" in the Indonesia Fashion Week at the Jakarta Convention Center, some time ago.

Some of these factors are:

1. Low bone density
According to Ida, bone density levels of Indonesian society due to various factors including lack of nutrients in the body. "In addition, it compared with other countries, the bone density was lower in Indonesia, as well as smaller bone structure than other countries," he added. This is what causes the bone susceptible to osteoporosis. In the model, the relatively heavy work activity affects the small bones, and possibly lead to brittle bones and fractures.

2. Diet
Diet is wrong, but can lead to malnutrition, also cause a person susceptible to osteoporosis. The models generally are on a strict diet is not nutritionally balanced to maintain the slimness of her body. Osteoporosis is also caused by one factor of malnutrition in the body, namely the lack of calcium. This affects the formation of the lower bone mass. The low ability of the hormone the body to form bone density due to deficiency of calcium from the diet could accelerate the process of this bone loss.

3. The use of high heels
High heels were commonly used models can lead to foot became tense, or even injury is called osteoarthritis. This injury occurs in the ankle that produce pain. These injuries occur in the metatarsal head (the legs that support the entire weight of the body in one point), which if not promptly treated can lead to bone loss or osteoporosis.

4. Lifestyle
Everyday, after preparing for a demonstration, or after the completion of "duty" in the fashion show, the models often spend time clubbing or hang out in places hanging out. Such a lifestyle is often not controlled, and can damage the health. Because such places are generally filled with smokers. Exposure to cigarette smoke is damaging health, as well as bone.

Basically, bone loss can be experienced by everyone, but the models often do these things at the same time, so the risk is greater. If you are not a model, but has underlying factors such as the above, you are also at risk of bone loss.

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