Treatment For Osteoporosis

Most of the drug therapy is working to reduce bone resorbsi. The fact shows that there diresorbsi bone but not replaced, and the figure reached 5 to 10% of bone mass. By reducing resorbsi bone, bone density can be achieved up to about 5 to 10% during the period of two to three years. However, none of the drug therapy that can restore bone mass to normal. Postmenopausal women who experience bone loss at high speed is recommended to receive hormone replacement therapy (HRT), exercise, and calcium supplements.

Drugs to treat osteoporosis.

In general, the goal of treatment for patients with osteoporosis should be like the following actions:

Eliminate or reduce complaints, mainly pain and illness.
Improve the quality of life by trying to give answers to problems, functional and practical problems.
Prevent further fractures by preventing falls or possible injury.
Prevent and reverse the loss of bone.

Therefore, it should cover the treatment of osteoporosis include:

Information and education on the patient
Adequate supervision or control of pain or illness
Assessment of functional and practical advice or suggestions.
Physiotherapy advice or recommendations and ways to exercise.
Prevention of falls or injury.
And efforts at prevention of bone loss.

Drugs or supplements are recommended for patients with osteoporosis


A. Bisphosphonates

This compound is well tolerated and showed no significant side effects. Absorption through the digestive tract and is exacerbated by poor calcium and caffeine. These preparations should be swallowed up in an empty stomach with a glass of water, then the patient should remain in an upright position for 30 minutes. Due to the low side effects, bisphosphonates are important in the prevention of osteoporosis of any kind. The main side effect is irritation of the digestive tract. Alendronate is a second-generation bisphosphonates. This drug is a pretty tough antiresoptif, with a dose of 10 mg / day can prevent postmenopausal bone loss and increase bone density in the spine.

Another type of bisphosphonate risedronate at a dose of 5 mg / day may be used to treat and prevent osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates may also be used in male patients and patients taking corticosteroid drugs.

B. Hormonal treatment (hormone replacement therapy)

Hormone replacement therapy using estrogen in postmenopausal women, effectively reduces bone turnover and slow loss of bone mass. Its use is also associated with a decreased risk of fractures, especially hip bone. Because the efficacy of estrogen the main thing is to prevent loss of bone mass, so the earlier the treatment the more structure and bone mass that can be maintained.
Benefits of estrogen persisted during the treatment run. Once treatment is stopped, the back bone loss takes place with the original speed.

C. Raloxifene

Included in the class SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator). Dose of 60 mg / day can prevent and treat postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Raloxifene increase bone mass and reduce the risk of vertebral fractures, as well as reducing the risk of breast cancer due to decreased estrogen. In addition to its effects on bone, raloxifene effects on lipid profile, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. This medicine may be taken at any time, when the stomach is empty or after meals, and is independent of body position.

D. Calcitonin

The hormone calcitonin was found in 1961, produced by the thyroid gland cells, serves to reduce the level of calcium in the blood and deposit it into the bone. Calcitonin is useful in osteoporosis with high bone turnover and is useful for preventing osteoporosis due to steroid or osteoporosis in men. And the drug is safe and has the effect of an analgesic (pain relieving)

E. Calcium

Provision of calcium should be adjusted for age. To maintain bone health, calcium per day is as follows.
Age                   Element Calcium
1-10 years            800-1000 mg
11-25 years              1200 mg
25-49 years              1000 mg
> 50 years                1500 mg

Elem calcium content in each of the calcium salt form comprising:
A. Calcium carbonate  400 mg / 1 gram
2. Calcium citrate        211 mg / 1 gram
3. Calcium Lactate      380 mg / 1 gram
4. Calcium gluconate    90 mg / 1 gram
Enough calcium in the diet is essential for growth and maintenance of normal bone. Inadequate intake of calcium reduces peak bone mass and accelerated bone loss associated with age.

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