Smoking and Osteoporosis

There are many health problems that are caused by smoking. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the disease associated with smoking in the United States spend more than $ 75 billion each year. Smoking causes heart disease, lung cancer and stomach cancer, chronic lung disease. In addition, some studies have identified smoking as a risk factor for osteoporosis and susceptibility to fracture.


In osteoporosis the bones are weakened and more susceptible to fractures. Fractures from osteoporosis can result in significant pain, disability and sometimes death. Osteoporosis is a major health threat for an estimated 44 million Americans, 68% of whom are women. In addition to smoking, there are several risk factors for osteoporosis:

  •     thin or small size
  •     the presence of disease or cases of fracture after 50 years of family history
  •     or postmenopausal onset of premature menopause
  •     abnormal absence of menstrual periods
  •     using certain medications, including corticosteroids, long-term
  •     calcium deficiency
  •     lack of physical activity
  •     alcohol abuse.

Osteoporosis can be prevented. Osteoporosis is a silent disease: it can progress for many years without symptoms, until such time until fracture occurs. He was named the children's illness, the consequences of which manifest themselves in old age, as the maintenance of bone health in young people helps prevent osteoporosis and fractures later. But never too late to learn new habits and to protect bone health.

Smoking and Osteoporosis

Tobacco was first designated as a risk factor for osteoporosis more than 20 years ago. Recent studies have shown a direct link between smoking and reduced bone density. It is difficult to analyze the impact of smoking on bone health, because it is difficult to determine whether the reduced bone density is due to smoking or other risk factors inherent in smokers. For example, in many cases, smokers have lower body weight than non-smokers tend to consume more alcohol, less physically active and have nutritional deficiencies. Women who smoke are also at menopause earlier than it happens in non-smokers. These factors are also subjected to many smokers at increased risk of osteoporosis, along with tobacco.

In addition, many studies concerning the effects of smoking suggest that smoking increases the risk of fractures. Not all studies support these findings, but the evidence is increasing. For example:

  1.     The longer you smoke, and the more cigarettes you consume, the greater the risk that you'll be prone to fractures in the elderly.
  2.     Fractures in smokers grow together longer than non-smokers, and they have a more complications in the process of accretion.
  3.     Significant bone loss in elderly men and women who smoke.
  4.     At least one study suggests that passive smoking in youth may increase the risk of low bone mass.
  5.     Women who smoke often produce less estrogen (hormone), and they tend to attack premature menopause, unlike smoking, which can lead to increased bone loss.
  6.     Quitting smoking reduces the risk of bone loss and fractures. However, the process of reducing the risk for people who quit smoking can take several years.

Strategies for managing osteoporosis

Quit smoking: The best thing a smoker can do to protect their bones, it is to quit smoking. Quitting smoking, even in adulthood, can help reduce bone loss, which is associated with smoking. There are many resources available to aid in smoking cessation, some of them are listed below.

Eat a balanced diet, foods fortified with calcium and vitamin D: Sources of calcium include dairy products low in fat, dark green, leafy vegetables, and foods and drinks that are fortified with calcium. Also, supplements can provide the necessary amount of calcium per day. Institute of Medicine recommends a daily calcium consumed at a rate of 1000 mg for men and women, and increase the dose to 1200 mg after the age of 50 years. Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption and bone health. Vitamin D can be obtained in its natural form as a result of exposure to sunlight, as well as foods and food additives. Sources of vitamin D include egg yolks, saltwater fish and liver. Some people can take supplements containing vitamin D, to get the recommended dose of 400 - 800 IU (international units) daily.

Work out for strong bones: Like muscles, bones consist of living tissue that responds to physical activity, becoming stronger. Weight loads, when you overcome the force of gravity, the best way to train the bone tissue. Some examples include: walking, climbing stairs, dancing and lifting weights. Regular exercise such as walking, can help prevent bone loss and provide many other benefits to enhance your overall health.

Avoid excessive use of alcohol: Chronic alcoholism may be associated with increased susceptibility to fractures of the hip, spine and wrist. Alcohol in large doses acts on the calcium balance in the body. It also affects the hormones that protect the bones, and vitamins that are needed for calcium absorption. Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to falls associated with the occurrence of fractures.

Talk to your doctor to conduct a survey of bone mineral density: A survey of bone mineral density indicates the density of bones in different parts of the body. These tests can detect the presence of osteoporosis before a fracture occurs, and can show your chances of fractures in the future. If you smoke, or smoke before, ask your doctor whether you should undergo bone density screening.

Should you take medicines: from osteoporosis, there is no cure. However, there are some medications that can prevent and cure disease in women after menopause and in men. Your doctor can help you decide whether you fit these medicines.

Resources to aid in smoking cessation, created by the National Cancer Institute, is designed to aid in smoking cessation. Different people need different resources as they try to quit smoking. The information and professional help that is available on this website can help you support your immediate and long-term needs at the start of smoking, the smoking process, and smoking cessation. Go to:

Path to Freedom: Be a winner in the fight against smoking: Designed for African Americans, this guide was developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in conjunction with the major segments of the African American community, including churches, service organizations and educational institutions. The development and processing of this guide were caused concern at the national level, a high level of smoking among African Americans, and the lack of suitable materials. The guide presents many aspects that are relevant to African Americans, such as targeted advertising campaigns and historical, cultural and socio-economic impact. This resource offers proven strategies for those who want to quit smoking, information on how this can help friends and family, as well as ideas of how society and its leaders can assist in establishing the value of a life without tobacco. Go to: / tobacco / quit / pathways.htm or call the following number: 1-800-232-1311 and request a free copy.

A breath of fresh air: Independence from smoking: Developed by the National Women's Health Information Center, this online program of support and education focused on smoking cessation in women. Information is also provided in Spanish. Go to:

Forget about smoking: Written specifically for Latino families, "Forget about smoking" is part of bilingual brochures that explain the steps to be followed by people who want to reduce the risk of heart attacks or strokes. The information is presented in a friendly style that helps the reader to dispel the most common myths. Go to: / health / public / heart / other / sp_smok.htm or please call: 301-592-8573 or 240-629-3255 (text telephone).

For the latest information and any questions about medications you are taking, please contact the Office of the Food and Drug Administration United States by number 1-888-INFO-FDA (1-888-463-6332, toll free) or visit their Web site:

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