Osteoporosis Prevention | Anticipation Broken Bones

Anticipation Broken Bones

The incidence of fractures in patients with osteoporosis bone loss should be anticipated alias . If the bone has been broken , decreased quality of life of patients and treatment is expensive .

This was conveyed by an orthopedic specialist from the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Medical Cipto Mangunkusumo Dohar AL Tobing in the talk show " Prevention Fracture in Osteoporosis " , Saturday ( 23/6 ) , in Jakarta . Also present as a speaker , member of the Scientific Section of the Indonesian Osteoporosis Association , Ismail .

He said many people did not realize until experiencing osteoporosis fractures . Therefore , early detection of osteoporosis and fall prevention to avoid fractures is important .

" There are tests that must be followed to determine the risk of osteoporosis . Examination of bone mineral density ( BMD ) is important to know the condition of the bones , " said Ismail .

Dohar added , the incidence of fractures in women is higher than men . One in three women osteoporosis aged over 50 years had a broken bone . This figure will rise to one in two women over 60 years old . Whereas in men , one of five men osteoporosis aged over 50 years had a broken bone . The incidence increases in men aged over 60 years became one of the three male osteoporosis .

The most frequent location is the back bone fractures ( 46 percent ) , pelvis ( 19 percent ) , and the bones of the wrist ( 15 percent ) .

In 2005 , the Health Technology Assessment report , in Indonesia in 2000 the incidence of fractures in patients with osteoporosis 227,850 cases with treatment costs of 2.7 billion U.S. dollars . By 2020 the incidence of fractures in osteoporosis increased to 426 300 cases with a total cost of treatment of 3.8 billion U.S. dollars .

According Dohar , the cost of treatment of bone fractures due to osteoporosis until thoroughly Rp 80 million to Rp 100 million .

Ismail said , prevention of osteoporosis can be done with regular exercise from a young age when an increasing optimal bone mass is still ongoing , until the age of 35 years . Sports that can be done is walking , running , and weight training .

Source: Kompas.com

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